How To Communicate Like A Boss Babe With Dr. Laura Sicola
How is your communication? Do you find that you have bad boundaries? Are you afraid to speak up? Do you lose people in communication? Do you hurt their feelings or have blind spots? If this sounds like you this is the episode to listen to because Dr. Laura Sicola, a top leadership and communication coach dropped by Soul Streaker to give us tips in communication in business, life and dating. What a treat! I have learned so much I know you will too. Dr. Sicola is also did a TedX talk called Want to Sound LIke a Leader?<br/>Start By Saying Your Name Right I watched It and loved it.<br/> <br/><br/>You can find her book Speaking to Influence here<br/><br/><br/><br/>You can find out more on Dr. Laura Sicola on her website <br/> <br/><br/>Support the show