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Many people often struggle setting effective boundaries in relationships due to people pleasing, low self-esteem, and simply not knowing how to do so. <br/><br/>On this week's episode of The Pressing Forward Podcast, we sit down with Latiesha Wiggins to speak on how to set effective boundaries , maintaining them, and thriving in them. <br/><br/>Latiesha is the founder and executive director of Rise Behavioral Health, a mental health agency in the Hampton Roads area. Latiesha has worked in the human services sector for fourteen years and specializes in providing trauma-informed interventions to vulnerable, minority populations as a mental health counselor. Latiesha earned a Master of Clinical Mental Health Counseling in 2022, and plans to continue working with underserved populations and develop mental health and wellness digital products, to educate and advocate for mental health awareness. <br/><br/>REMEMBER "MENTAL HEALTH IS SOMETHING YOU MAINTAIN!"<br/><br/>Be Sure to LIKE , SHARE, AND SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE EPISODES! <br/><br/>Keep up with Latiesha Wiggins on her socials as well <br/>INSTAGRAM | https://www.instagram.com/tieshatalk/<br/><br/>FOLLOW & SUBSCRIBE THE Pressing Forward Podcast:<br/>INSTAGRAM | https://www.instagram.com/pressingforward/<br/>SPOTIFY | https://open.spotify.com/show/....5hVjowetLrUJSiTsTb1h<br/>APPLE PODCASTS | https://open.spotify.com/show/....5hVjowetLrUJSiTsTb1h