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How we scale our client's creator businesses at All Influence Management with Agency Co-Founder, Chase Mitchell
All Influence Mgmt Co Founder, Chase Mitchell, joins us to discuss the big business moves some of our clients are making to scale their influence and the steps YOU can take now to attract the result you want from your social even at a smaller follower count.Timestamps:
[2:56] Scaling business.
[4:35] Long term investment.
[7:48] Show me, don't tell me.
[9:36] Advice for new influencers.
[14:23] You can't rely on someone else to bring you partnerships.
[16:01] Under 50k? Find other streams of income.
[21:32] Takeaways: solidify your personal brand.
All Influence Mgmt
Outsource your partnership management and level up your influence. Head to allinfluencemgmt.com or apply to jump on a discovery call to discuss more here.
Upstarter Pods
Start growing your business with a podcast. Check out upstarterpods.com or sign up for a free discovery call here. Looking for a custom quote and recommendations for your podcast? Fill in this quick survey.
--Find Harley:IG: @theharleyjordan
Website: theharleyjordan.com
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IG: @Sonia.Elyss
Website: www.soniaelyss.com
Join the Lip Service Community: https://winno.app/soniaelyss
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Website: allinfluencemgmt.comFollow The Brand Meet Creator Podcast:
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