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ICYMI: How Much Money You *Actually* Need To Be Happy, And The Psychology Of Your Relationship To Money, with Melissa Leong
Welcome to today’s ICYMI, where we kick off the week with a quick game-changing tip from one of our guests that you might have missed. They say money can't buy happiness... but studies show that making a certain amount, and spending it on connective experiences and things of genuine value, can certainly help. So why is our relationship with money so complicated, and how do we use it to create more happiness? We're throwing it back to this helpful insight from finance expert Melissa Leong, who literally wrote the book on money and happiness. <br /><br />Melissa is a sought-after speaker, award-winning writer, and best-selling author of the feel-good finance guide, Happy Go Money. She is the money expert on Canada’s leading daytime talk show, The Social on CTV, and she’s the host of the Money Moves podcast. Listen to the full episode with Melissa here! PS: If you’ve been dreaming of starting a podcast but you aren’t sure where to start or how to grow it, check our consulting services at teachmehowtoadult.ca/howtopodcast. For show notes and more adulting tips, visit: teachmehowtoadult.caSign up for our monthly adulting newsletter:teachmehowtoadult.ca/newsletter Follow us on the ‘gram:@teachmehowtoadultpodcast @yunggillianaire@cailynmichaanFollow us on TikTok: @teachmehowtoadultFollow Melissa:http://www.melissaleong.com/ht....tps://www.instagram.