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ICYMI: Power Struggles To Watch Out For In Your Relationship & How To Bounce Back From A Betrayal
Welcome to today’s ICYMI, where we kick off the week with a quick game-changing tip from one of our guests that you might have missed. The course of true love never did run smooth (preach, Shakespeare!), so today we’re sharing some major tips from our episode with couples and family therapist, Liz Earnshaw, on navigating power struggles in your relationship (spoiler: it's okay to go to bed angry!) and moving forward after experiencing a major betrayal.Liz is a licensed marriage and family therapist and founder of A Better Life Therapy in Philadelphia. She helps her clients and hundreds of thousands of social media followers develop healthier relationships every day, navigating issues like betrayal, grief, loss, and trauma, while teaching the art of communication. You also might’ve seen her on Instagram where she shares incredibly valuable relationship advice and therapy strategies on her account @lizlistens. Listen to both episodes with Liz here and here.Tune in every Monday for an expert dose of life advice in under 10 minutes.For show notes and more adulting tips, visit: teachmehowtoadult.caSign up for our monthly adulting newsletter:teachmehowtoadult.ca/newsletter Follow us on the ‘gram:instagram.com/teachmehowtoadultmediainstagram.com/yunggillianaire/instagram.com/cailynmichaan/Follow Liz:@lizlistens@abetterlifetherapyAbetterlifetherapy.com