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Improving Board and Donor Engagement with HIGOL CEO Teri Beckman | The Official Do Good Better Podcast #302
Today's Five-Star Guest is Teri Beckman, Founder and CEO of HIGOL. Teri is deeply influenced by Skillful Means, a fully integrated approach to life and work developed by Tarthang Tulku uniting business practices with personal and spiritual growth – including the development compassion and wisdom.Her lifelong passion lies in integrating eastern and western psychology, organizational behavior, business, leadership, and wellness. She is on the faculty of Dharma College, which offers cutting edge classes for those spiritually inclined, but not religious.HIGOL works to align leadership behaviors with business drivers to dramatically increase revenue, community impact and evolve overall organizational performance. With over combined 200 years of leadership experience working in mission-driven organizations, the HIGOL team has lived through most experiences our clients are dealing with.When not supporting clients or teaching, Teri can be found with her partner hiking one of North Carolina’s 41 state parks.Learn More About HIGOL: https://higol.co/Explore Teri's eBooks: https://higol.co/ebooksGet on our waiting list for our new nonprofit & fundraising community filled with on-demand courses and live webinars that are exclusive to members! Learn all about what's in store to support you and your leadership team at www.DoGoodYOUniversity.com!Support This Podcast! Make a quick and easy donation here:https://www.patreon.com/dogoodbetterSpecial THANK YOU to our sponsors:Donor Dock - The best CRM system for your small to medium sized nonprofit, hands down! Visit www.DonorDock.com and use the Promo Code DOGOODBETTER for a FREE month!iTunes: https://apple.co/3a3XenfSpotify: https://spoti.fi/2PlqRXsYouTube: https://bit.ly/3kaWYanTunein: http://tun.in/pjIVtStitcher: https://bit.ly/3i8jfDRFollow On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoGoo....dBetterPodcast/Follo On Twitter: @consulting_do #fundraising #fundraiser #charity #nonprofit #donate#dogood #dogoodBETTER #fargo #fundraisingdadAbout Host Patrick Kirby:Email: Patrick@dogoodbetterconsulting.comLinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fundraisingdad/Want more great advice? Buy Patrick's book! Now also available as an e-book!Fundraise Awesomer! A Practical Guide to Staying Sane While Doing GoodAvailable through Amazon Here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1072070359