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Instagram for Busy Moms in Boss Mode with Jenn Herman
We all know how powerful Instagram can be, but navigating it is still a struggle for many entrepreneurs, let alone busy moms! If you're a mompreneur, you know that time is precious and you can't afford to waste any of it. After all, you are not just running a business, you're running your entire household as well!Today, we are joined by a special guest – Instagram expert, author, coach, speaker, and consultant, Jenn Herman. That's right, the Queen of Instagram herself is here to share a lot of things about Instagram, and running a business alongside being a mom.Because you see, before Jenn became the Instagram expert we know today, she was just like many of us. She was a busy mom (and still is!) trying to juggle time between her full-time job, her family, and her business. And today, she's going to walk us through how she started, how she made time for her business despite the chaotic schedule, how she uses Instagram to power her business, and most importantly how you can, too!📕 Show Notes 📕
5 Reels Mistakes to avoid: https://askyvi.com/pdfs/5-Reels-Mistakes-to-Avoid.pdf
12 Reels Ideas: https://askyvi.com/pdfs/12-Reels-Ideas.pdf
Profit Your Profile: https://profityourprofile.com/Meet Jenn:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jenns_trends
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/jenns_trends
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/jennstrendsonline
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1914407545476748
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennherman
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jenns_trends
🏆 Highlights 🏆00:00 | Introduction01:31 | Pivoting from an old role05:47 | Your Zone of Genius14:55 | Knowing which recommendations are right for you23:22 | Tips on pivoting
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