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Interfaith Conversations with Sisters
The love between sisters is strong, even when not related by blood. Today's deep conversations about the similarities and differences of Islam and Christianity, why women wear a hijab, and how faith comforts us all when there is great loss. What a perfect week to celebrate being a woman of faith, a healthcare professional, and an adult with ADHD, when a Find Your Focus Workshop is being offered with Farah Jamil, an ADHD and Executive Coach on Nov 3, 2022. Free access to an ADHD summit for all people to hear Hillary and Farah discuss this and more October 31 - Nov 4th at www.muslimadhders.com Mae Mohamed and Karima Elmaghraby have known Hillary Baggett for 35 years. We have had respectful, open, honest, and tough conversations from the time we were teenagers, to years later as mothers to teens and young adults.