
2 ভিউ· 09/26/23
The E(Queer)ity Podcast
The E(Queer)ity Podcast
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Understanding the root causes of health inequities requires us to check in with a few key terms. We'll be defining a health difference vs. health inequity. We'll differentiate the important populations who make up the queer community, including gay, lesbian, transgender, non-binary, and people born intersex, to make a few. Here's a list of definitions as we go forward (source: Human Rights Campaign):Ally | A term used to describe someone who is actively supportive of LGBTQ+ people. It encompasses straight and cisgender allies, as well as those within the LGBTQ+ community who support each other (e.g., a lesbian who is an ally to the bisexual community).Biphobia | The fear and hatred of, or discomfort with, people who love and are sexually attracted to more than one gender.Bisexual | A person emotionally, romantically or sexually attracted to more than one gender, though not necessarily simultaneously, in the same way or to the same degree. Sometimes used interchangeably with pansexual.Cisgender | A term used to describe a person whose gender identity corresponds to their sex assigned at birth.Gay | A person who is emotionally, romantically or sexually attracted to members of the same gender.Gender binary | A system in which gender is constructed into two strict categories of male or female. Gender identity is expected to align with the sex assigned at birth and gender expressions and roles fit traditional expectations.Gender-fluid | A person who does not identify with a single fixed gender or has a fluid or unfixed gender identity.Homophobia | The fear and hatred of or discomfort with people who are attracted to members of the same sex.Intersex | Intersex people are born with a variety of differences in their sex traits and reproductive anatomy. There is a wide variety of difference among intersex variations, including differences in genitalia, chromosomes, gonads, internal sex organs, hormone production, hormone response, and/or secondary sex traits.Lesbian | A woman who is emotionally, romantically or sexually attracted to other women. Women and non-binary people may use this term to describe themselves.Non-binary | An adjective describing a person who does not identify exclusively as a man or a woman. Non-binary people may identify as being both a man and a woman, somewhere in between, or as falling completely outside these categories. Pansexual | Describes someone who has the potential for emotional, romantic or sexual attraction to people of any gender though not necessarily simultaneously, in the same way or to the same degree. Sometimes used interchangeably with bisexual.Queer | A term people often use to express a spectrum of identities and orientations that are counter to the mainstream. Queer is often used as a catch-all.Sex assigned at birth | The sex, male, female or intersex, that a doctor or midwife uses to describe a child at birth based on their external anatomy.Sexual orientation | An inherent or immutable enduring emotional, romantic or sexual attraction to other people. Note: an individual’s sexual orientation is independent of their gender identity.Transgender | An umbrella term for people whose gender identity and/or expression is different from cultural expectations based on the sex they were assigned at birth.

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