Isaiah 46-49
Isaiah 46 - 1:02 . Isaiah 47 - 3:33 . Isaiah 48 - 7:33 . Isaiah 49 - 12:55 . As Isaiah continues to prophesy about future events, remember that Babylon has not yet come to power and has not yet brought Israel into captivity. You’ll hear statements like, “I will announce new things to you, hidden things that you have not yet known.” Our reading opens with a call to remember that no god or idol can compare with the living God. This is followed by a prediction of assurance that Babylon will one day fall, which would have been a great comfort to God’s people as they waited in captivity to be released. Though Israel is a rebellious and stubborn people prone to follow other gods, the Lord will not forget his people in Babylon, but will release them back into the land God had given them.:::Christian Standard Bible translation.All music written and produced by John Burgess Ross.Co-produced by the Christian Standard