Isaiah 50-54
Isaiah 50 - 1:02 . Isaiah 51 - 3:40 . Isaiah 52 - 10:06 . Isaiah 53 - 13:17 . Isaiah 54 - 16:52 . Throughout the book of Isaiah, we’ll hear references to one called the Servant. Though there is immediate application to be found by naming Israel as this Servant, the New Testament authors, who were filled with God’s Holy Spirit like Isaiah, saw another connection. You’ll probably see it, too. The ultimate Servant, the ultimate son of David, is the promised Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. Isaiah 53 in particular, which is covered in today’s reading, is such a clear prediction of Christ’s work on the cross. He is the one who was pierced because of our rebellion and crushed because of our iniquities. Yet the Lord was pleased to crush him, and by his hand the Lord’s pleasure will be accomplished.:::Christian Standard Bible translation.All music written and produced by John Burgess Ross.Co-produced by the Christian Standard