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Jackie’s Change of Heart, Lizzy’s Pants Mishap, Lizard Gizzard Wizards
Is there a paper cup big enough to contain this whole show with Jackie Johnson, Lizzy Cooperman and Jeff Fox who is filling in for Tony Thaxton? Lizzy had a mishap at the gas station but it may have given her a million dollar idea. Jackie did cardio to prepare the Blink 182 concert but the experience has caused a sea change! We’re learning about bands that are somewhere on the prog-jam spectrum and I need to find out what exactly Jackie and Lizzy mean about being conditioned to wear a certain kind of underwear. Plus problematic Smurfs, bra sizing, and Macbeth! Products I Use/Recommend/Love: http://amazon.com/shop/alisonrosen Check us out on Patreon: http://patreon.com/alisonrosen Download the episode from iTunes. This episode is brought to you by: POISE: http://poise.com HELLO FRESH: http://hellofresh.com/bestfriend50 (use code bestfriend50 for 50% off plus free shipping) Buy Alison’s Book: Tropical Attire Encouraged (and Other Phrases That Scare Me) https://amzn.to/2JuOqcd You probably need to buy the HGFY ringtone! https://www.alisonrosen.com/store/ Get yourself some new ARIYNBF merch here: https://alison-rosen-shop.fourthwall.com/ Try Amazon Prime Free 30 Day Trial