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James Whitcomb: The Visionary Leading Cannabis Insurance Innovation in 2023
Hear from the Founder & CEO of Frontier Risk, the sole cannabis technology firm to secure VC funding in 2023. Step into the future of cannabis insurance with James Whitcomb, Founder & CEO of Frontier Risk, in this episode hosted by Karson Humiston the CEO of Vangst. Explore how Frontier Risk is reshaping the industry, tackling issues like limited capacity and data scarcity. James shares his journey from Wall Street to cannabis, emphasizing resilience in this dynamic field. With optimism for federal cannabis reform, James urges ongoing advocacy. Join Karson and James for invaluable insights into the evolving world of cannabis insurance.Produced by PodConx Karson Humiston - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ka....rson-humiston-64572b - https://vangst.com/James Whitcomb - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ja....meshwhitcomb/Frontie Risk - https://www.frontierrisk.com/Sound Design by Jamie Humiston