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John Villebrun: Cultivating the Next Generation Through Basketball
Cole and Leah meet and chat with high school basketball coach John Villebrun (Bois Forte Band). John coaches girls’ basketball at Mountain Iron-Buhl High School on the Iron Range. The team was recently crowned the Minnesota Class A State Girls’ Basketball Champions, and John received the honor of Assistant Coach of the Year! Now as a decorated coach, John remains modest and continues to lead with perseverance and determination, setting an example for the next generation. Miigwech to John for chatting with us!
Native Lights: Where Indigenous Voices Shine
Native Lights is a weekly, half-hour radio program hosted by Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe members and siblings, Leah Lemm and Cole Premo. Native Lights is a space for people in Native communities around Mni Sota Mkoce -- a.k.a. Minnesota -- to tell their stories about finding their gifts and sharing them with the community.
Native Lights: Where Indigenous Voices Shine is produced by Minnesota Native News and Ampers, Diverse Radio for Minnesota’s Communities with support from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage fund. Online at https://minnesotanativenews.org/