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John von Neumann and the art of being there
John von Neumann might be the most important figure in Wolfram Physics prehistory.Whenever any of the most important prerequisites to Wolfram Physics were happening – quantum mechanics, Gödel’s theorem, Turing machines, electronic computers, cellular automata – John von Neumann always seemed to be there.How did John von Neumann always come to be in the right place at the right time to contribute to some of the most significant developments in physics, mathematics and computation history?For this, another high-budget, big-hair episode of The Last Theory, I flew all the way to Budapest, where John von Neumann was born, to point to a plaque and get some answers.—
I took inspiration and information for this episode from Ananyo Bhattacharya’s biography of John von Neumann: The Man from the Future
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John von Neumann
Albert Einstein
Erwin Schrödinger
Werner Heisenberg
Kurt Gödel
Alan Turing
Seth Neddermeyer
J. Presper Eckert
John Mauchly
Stephen Wolfram
Jonathan Gorard
Max Piskunov
Stanisław Ulam
Father Strickland
Hilbert space
Gödel’s incompleteness theorems
Universal Turing machine
Turing’s proof
Von Neumann architecture
The Manhattan Project
Cellular automata
IAS machine
IBM 701
Image of John von Neumann from the Los Alamos National Laboratory, which rather pointlessly requires that this rather ponderous statement be reproduced here: “Unless otherwise indicated, this information has been authored by an employee or employees of the Los Alamos National Sec