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Journey Through Shadows: Angie Newell's Unveiling Tales of Love and Resilience | Podcast Interview
Grab a copy of Angie's book on amazon https://a.co/d/j3SjkEK<br/><br/>If you want to catch a glimpse of the custom illustration from this book head over to www.mattymitchell.com<br/><br/>Grab some merch with the custom illustration I created from the site Redbubble https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/158089929?asc=u<br/><br/>Also catch this and watch the illustration come to life on Youtube https://youtu.be/IZImnT4YPpY<br/><br/>Join me in an enlightening conversation with the charming and funny Angie Newell, an indigenous Canadian author and the mastermind behind the debut novel 'All I See Is Violence.' We explore her love for Yellow Skittles, delve into the pages of her powerful historical fiction, and navigate a journey through love, loss, and hard truths that demand to be heard. Angie shares her affection for Cheetahs, her identity as a skateboarder, and the transformative power of meditation. Hear her inspiring story of overcoming the trauma of being orphaned, shedding light on racial inequalities, and finding connection in our shared human experience. The custom illustration, a tribute to her book's mesmerizing cover, captures the essence of Angie's profound storytelling and the eternal spirit of a true skater.<br/><br/>If you read this I'm so stoked you made it this far.<br/>- Matty