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0 Pogledi· 06/16/23
Turn The Mic Up Podcast
Turn The Mic Up Podcast
0 Pretplatnici

Special Congratulations to the legendary 2Pac for finally gaining his "Star" in Hollywood! Some say he originated the "Rapper turned Actor" philosophy. Respect. What would the culture look like if House Party had Dj Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince instead of Kid N Play? We also in the Final leg of the Playoffs, who will take Trophy when it's all said and done. Blakout!#hiphop #2pac #hollywood #fs1 #nbafinals #houseparty #culture #belair #kidnplay #westcoast #classics #top5 #djjazzyjeff #juice #allstar #flash #flashnews #saycheesetv #podcast #thebreakfastclub #shannonsharpe

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