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Juliet Suess (Chapman University): Discussions on mental health for athletes and coaches
Today’s discussion features Juliet Suess, the head coach of Chapman University. Juliet recently completed their second season heading up the Chapman swim & dive program. In their first season, Juliet led the panther men to a program best finish and the Chapman University staff was named SCIAC Coaching staff of the year for the women’s program. <br/><br/>In this episode, Juliet and Kevin discuss mental health. Please note neither Juliet nor Kevin are mental health professionals, so this is not professional advice, but a conversation intended to demystify the topic, tips and tricks for helping athletes, and the importance of coaches taking the time to care for themselves as well. Resources mentioned during this discussion will be linked in the show notes. <br/><br/>Body Scan Technique, Box Breathing TechniqueApp: How We FeelDo Not Disturb – set for second ringBoundaries / boundary settingTed Lasso – practice curiosityThe Weight of GoldPartner ChatsPositive Scan KickingThankful Thursday / Meditation MondayBook: Burnout