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Justin and Sophie: When the personal is political
This week on The House: Two longtime Hill watchers — former CBC parliamentary bureau chief Rob Russo and Toronto Star columnist Susan Delacourt — break down the significance of the news of the separation between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Sophie Grégoire Trudeau. Canada’s new sport integrity commissioner, Sarah-Ève Pelletier, talks about the kinds of complaints she’s received and whether a public inquiry into abuse in sport is needed. Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, the UN special rapporteur on counter-terrorism and human rights, describes her harrowing trip to prisons and camps in Syria — and what the Canadian government must do to bring its citizens home. Plus — the CBC’s Mary-Catherine McIntosh heads to the riding of Cumberland-Colchester to meet Conservative MP Stephen Ellis as part of our “Backbenchers’ backyards” summer series.