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Keeping up with content creation that's meaningful and not just landfill
Today's episode is created because of a question asked by listener Bec Hughes.<br/>(feel free to ask your own question!)<br/><br/>And it's a great question!<br/><br/>In the age of content for the sake of content because of the pressure put on us by vanity metrics which have nothing to do with business success we have reached a point where Instagram feeds are just noise..... or account after account jumping on random trends and feeling like they have to do what x is doing because x has x amount of followers and... you get the point.<br/><br/>Marketing's job is to facilitate sales, so anything you do that is outside of this purpose in your marketing, you need to review what you're putting time and energy into.<br/><br/>So how do you stop adding to the noise?<br/><br/>Every time you post think of it as your $30K billboard you have purchased... Stop thinking about it as the 'free' channel where you can just throw content there and fill space without true intent.<br/><br/>Being mindful that the content needs to be unique, useful, and shocking, and you.<br/><br/>It comes back to that old word 'strategy'<br/><br/>If you're so sure of who you need to target, where they hang out, and what they need then you will only create content which is hitting all three of these things.<br/><br/><br/>DOWNLOAD MY CONTENT PLANNER<br/><br/>Instagram @bec_chappell<br/>LinkedIn – Bec Chappell <br/>If you're ready to work together, I'm ready to work with you and your team.<br/><br/>How to work with me:<br/>1. Marketing foundations and strategy consultation <br/>2. Marketing Coaching/ Whispering for you a marketing leader or your team who you want to develop into marketing leaders<br/>3. Book me as a speaker or advisor for your organisation<br/>4. Get me on your podcast<br/><br/>This podcast has been produced and edited by Snappystreet Creative