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Kenneth Lui Producer and Director of Artists in Agony
Kenneth comes to talk about his debut feature length dark humor action-packed, mockumentary, Artists in Agony. This project was 11 years in the making and is a worthy watch, as it is like Kill Bill meets The Office. He also discusses upcoming projects, plights of writers everywhere, and so much more!You can find Kenneth on Instagram and learn more about him at his website. If you'd like to know more about Artists in Agony and any other projects from Mental Pictures Production Studio, you can follow here Mental Pictures Production.About Kenneth:Kenneth Lui is an award-winning narrative film director, producer, and screenwriter. Born and raised in Los Angeles, he graduated from Art Center College of Design with a B.A. in film production. He works as a professional editor for social media and commercials and as a visual effects artist on major motion pictures for Marvel and DC such as Captain America: Civil War, Batman V Superman, and Guardians of the Galaxy.His first festival wins were in 2001 at Worldfest Houston when his short film "Falsehood" was awarded the Platinum Award and Best Experimental Drama. "Falsehood" went on to be nominated for 14 awards of which nine were won including Best Writer/Director at Method Fest 2002.His horror action short "White Wolf: Zombie Killer" won the Gold Remi Award for Fantasy/Horror at Worldfest Houston 2020 and Best Short Film (Diamond), Best Director (Diamond), Best Actor (Gold) at Mindfield Film Festival 2020.He recently completed his feature film debut, Artists In Agony: Hitmen at the Coda Teahouse, a mockumentary comedy that won Best Comedic Feature at Independent Filmmakers Showcase L.A. Film Festival 2021.<br/><br/>Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/much-mor....e-muchier-with-pup-d