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Knight and Day (2010)
I feel the need... the need for a podcast exploring the films and career of Tom Cruise.<br/><br/>Welcome to Cruise Views, a podcast all about actor, producer, and global icon Tom Cruise, reviewing each of his films in order! This week your hosts Adam and Tom discuss Knight and Day (2010) directed by James Mangold and starring Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz, Paul Dano, and Peter Sarsgaard.<br/><br/>Cameron Diaz plays a young woman who gets mixed up with a disgraced spy (Tom Cruise) who is trying to clear his name.<br/><br/>Adam and Tom explore the production, release, and context of the film and how it fits into Tom Cruise's career. They also find time to play their exciting game, Two Cruise and a Lie! What will they make of the film? What is the overall "Cruiseness" rating? Find out on this episode of Cruise Views!<br/><br/>The next episode is out on Tuesday November 8th and reviews Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol!<br/><br/>Come and chat to us...<br/>Twitter: https://twitter.com/cruiseviewspod<br/>Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cruiseviewspod/<br/>Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cruiseviewspod<br/>Email us: cruiseviewspodcast@gmail.com