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Kyle Goodman | Co-Founder of Easier Accounting and real business owners | Trey Carmichael
In this episode of Under the Crown our host Trey Carmichael spoke with Kale Goodman Co-Founder of easier accounting and real business owners. They covered his king's journey, the numbers you should look for in your business, and the questions you should ask before outsourcing your accounting.Did you find this helpful? Make sure that you subscribe and leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts! If you really want to show us you love us make sure that tell us what your favorite episode was and why!Want to learn more about our guests? kalegoodman.comrealbusinessowners.comPlease use this link for captivate as it is my affiliate link:https://www.captivate.fm/signu....p?ref=treycarmichael to learn more about Trey?https://treycarmichael.usReady to outsource your social media efforts or position your business as a growing authority?https://socialmarketingsolutions.com