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“Helping My Younger Professional Self”: Partnering with Providers in the Clinical Trenches to Anticipate and Resolve Barriers to EBPs
Have you ever thought, “I want to implement EBP’s effectively with my clients, but I’m running into barriers!”. Well, help is here! Listen in as we sit down with Dr. Lisa Cuccurullo, whose job it is to help solve the problems people face every day in their clinical practice. We dig into some clinical barriers, what mechanisms need to be in place administratively to do these treatments with fidelity, and how to do these treatments in the real world with all of the chaos of day-to-day life. We all need that “clinical family” to support our work, so join us to find out about resources to expand yours! Come hear about common challenges, potential solutions, and Dr. Cuccurullo’s uplifting consultation story! Lisa-Ann Cuccurullo, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist at the National Center for PTSD, where she works on a team that facilitates the use of empirically supported treatments for veterans in rural areas. Her clinical work has focused on cognitive behavioral treatments for PTSD (and other post-trauma-related symptoms), such as Prolonged Exposure, Cognitive Processing Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Dialectical Behavior Therapy. She is a national Prolonged Exposure consultant in VA. Before joining the staff of the National Center for PTSD, she was the Military Sexual Trauma Coordinator and Assistant Director of Psychology Clinical Training at the Southeast Louisiana Veteran’s Health Care System and a clinical instructor at Tulane University School of Medicine. Dr. Cuccurullo’s current research interests focus on the implementation of empirically supported treatments and posttraumatic symptom presentation. Dr. Cuccurullo received her doctorate in clinical psychology from La Salle University and completed her clinical internship and a PTSD-focused fellowship at the Southeast Louisiana Veteran’s Health Care System.Resources mentioned in this episode: VA’s Consultation Service: https://www.ptsd.va.gov/profes....sional/consult/index CDP’s Consultation Service: https://deploymentpsych.org/re....sources/consultation Patient Education tools: https://www.ptsd.va.gov/public....ations/print/index.a EBP training from CDP: https://deploymentpsych.org/training Calls-to-action: Subscribe to the Practical for Your Practice PodcastSubscribe to The Center for Deployment Psychology Monthly Email Take one of CDP’s EBP’s (PE, CPT, CBT-SP, CBTi, ACT and more!): https://deploymentpsych.org/training