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Leadership in Business - Politics - Family - Church with John Ballinger and Douglas Ford
The hosts of 1st Lead U podcast - John Ballinger and Douglas Ford are back on DTB! We talked about podcasting and what does leadership and the lack of it look like in families, Government, churches, and business! Please consider supporting the podast by becoming a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/duringthebreakpodcast THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: Granite Garage Floors of Chattanooga: https://granitegaragefloors.co....m/location/chattanoo Vascular Institute of Chattanooga: https://www.vascularinstituteofchattanooga.com/ The Barn Nursery: https://www.barnnursery.com/ Optimize U Chattanooga: https://optimizeunow.com/chattanooga/ Alchemy Medspa and Wellness Center: http://www.alchemychattanooga.com/ Chattanooga Concrete: www.chattanoogaconcreteco.com Please consider leaving us a review on Apple and giving us a share to your friends! This podcast is powered by ZenCast.fm