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Let’s Celebrate the Caesar – Canada's National Cocktail!
The Caesar is known for its distinct flavour and is often described as spicy and tangy. Why is the Caesar cocktail Canada's national cocktail? Due to its deep-rooted popularity and cultural significance in Canada. The Caesar cocktail was invented in 1969 in Calgary, Alberta, by Walter Chell a bartender who was inspired by the classic Bloody Mary cocktail but wanted to put a unique Canadian twist on it. He experimented with different ingredients and eventually developed the Caesar, which quickly gained popularity and spread nationwide.Raquel explores the Caesar's distinct flavour profile, serving recommendation and pairings – what doesn't go with a Caesar? Nothing! Glass rimming, garnishes, glassware, and Boozy Newz!EPISODE NOTES:· Two Market Girls: https://twomarketgirls.com· The Endless Meal: www.theendlessmeal.com· Liquid Culture: www.liqculture.com· Frank’s Red Hot: www.franksredhot.com/en-ca· APPLE LINK: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wryd-caesar-cocktail/id1694390062· YouTube: https://youtu.be/w8nUCjRXCCo