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Life Updates, Team Building & Setting Yourself Up to Scale with Chase Craft
From business to life and everything in between, we’re updating you on the important shifts that come with scaling a business!
Links + Resources:
Submit Your Crafted Deals Application!
Increase your INCOME, PORTFOLIO, and IMPACT!https://caylacraft.com/
Check out the program to Rewire YOU for Business & take your business to the next level!Caylacraftpodcast.com
CONNECT WITH CAYLA!Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craftWebsite https://caylacraft.com/
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Show Notes:How do you scale a business while also growing in your marriage? Joining us today is the man behind Crafted Entrepreneur, Chase Craft! Together, we’ll go over the shifts & transitions we’re currently making to bring our visions to life! We’ll share updates on what you can expect from us going forward as we continue to grow together. Our conversation will cover helpful tips and advice for shifting to new dynamics, communication with your team and your partner, scaling your business for success, and more. Tune in to find out where we’ll grow to next!
00:35 Here to talk business, life, and new dynamics is the one and only Chase Craft!04:20 Puppy updates.06:20 How are you able to adapt & relate to people?08:40 What boundaries have you implemented?13:10 What is your current affiliate program?16:25 How have we grown together over the years?18:35 What shifts are we making in our roles? 21:35 How do you feel about making the shift?23:50 How have our priorities changed?27:40 What is your new role managing a team?29:00 What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far while team building?31:35 How do you set yourself up for successful scaling?34:00 Pray for your partner to see them prosper.37:55 How did you bring your vision to life?40:20 Why should you build a business?43:10 What tip would you give to someone heading into a busy season?45:25 How can you practice discipline and commitment?