Lovingly Ministering to Difficult People in Our Lives

0 Vues· 02/08/24
Dave's Theology Segment
Dave's Theology Segment
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On today's Servants of Grace theology segment, a listener writes in and asks, "How do I love those who are hard to love?"What You'll Hear on this Episode• Learning to love difficult people.• Learning to lovingly deal with difficult people.• Praying for difficult people.• Being compassionate towards difficult people.Subscribing, sharing, and your feedbackFor more Servants of Grace theology segments, please consider checking out our previous episodes and subscribing via one of the many podcast platforms below: Website: https://servantsofgrace.org/se....rvants-of-grace-theo Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/servants-of-grace/id1240932035?ls=1&mt=2#episodeGuid=https%3A%2F%2Fservantsofgrace.org%2F%3Fp%3D242879Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/....22CmXpzbz6JYjemSV0CM Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/fe....ed/aHR0cHM6Ly9zZXJ2Y Amazon Music: https://podcasts.google.com/fe....ed/aHR0cHM6Ly9zZXJ2YYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/servantsofgraceThanks for listening to this week's episode of Servants of Grace theology segment!

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