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Madonna: Truth or Dare (1991) - Recap and Review - Part 1 #14
This episode is the first part of my recap and review of the 1991 documentary Madonna: Truth or Dare, directed by Alek Keshishian, and which chronicles the fascinating world which developed in the backstage of the Blonde Ambition world tour of 1990, which took Madonna from superstar to megastar and pop culture icon.<br/><br/>Here I am talking about the aesthetic, the cinematography, and analyzing the storyline of this documentary and how it came to be. I am also talking about Madonna's relationship and breakup with actor Warren Beatty, who she started dating after they worked together on the movie Dick Tracy, after Madonna's divorce from actor Sean Penn.<br/><br/>I also talk about some of the most important shows on the Blonde Ambition tour, as portrayed in this documentary. Like, for example, the shows in Los Angeles, and especially the ones in Detroit, which were so important for the singer, and how her relationship with her family during this stay back home is portrayed in this documentary.<br/><br/>But very especially, I am talking in detail about the relationship between Madonna and the iconic vogue dancers of her tour: Oliver Crumes Jr., Carlton Wilborn, Luis Camacho (from the legendary ballroom house of Xtravaganza), Salim Gauwloos, Kevin Stea, Gabriel Trupin (who passed away in 1995), and Jose Gutierez (also from the iconic ballroom house of Xtravaganza), during and after their collaboration. And also about the relationship of these dancers with each other and how their stories were portrayed in this particular movie.Music Credits:<br/>Music by ComaStudio from Pixabay.<br/>Music by jonahb on Pixabay.<br/> <br/> Read my book here (Free):<br/> BETA MALE: FULL MOON LONELINESS<br/>