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Making That One Good Decision Daily W/ Nicholas Nick
Host Chaz Wolfe brings on Nicholas Nick, a 7+ figure king in the lead-generation industry. Nick is the Founder of Lead Mining Pros where he generates leads for companies across many industries. Nick started Lead Mining Pros 5 years ago by himself, harnessing his years of experience in the restaurant industry and his knack for excellent customer service. In this episode, Chaz and Nicholas discuss cold calling, just putting in the work, pressing into your skillset, and the very bones of this episode - lead generation! Tune in now to learn from Nicholas’ passion and experience so you can grow your business today! During this episode, you will learn about;
[01:51] Intro to Nicholas and his business[06:02] Why Nicholas continues to push[14:26] How Nicholas moved into lead generating[25:30] A good decision Nicholas made[33:11] A bad decision Nicholas made[38:21] If Nicholas could track one metric, what would it be?[40:49] Nicholas’ book recommendations[43:49] What Nicholas thinks about networking[46:46] If Nicholas only had one hour, how would he use it?[48:51] If Nicholas lost it all, what would he do?[51:51] How to connect with Nicholas[55:12] How to connect with Chaz and info on the GTK 90 day intensive
Notable Quotes
“Custom campaigns generally take off as long as we have a good list and a good script.” - Nicholas Nick
“Our secret sauce is really just consistency.” - Nicholas Nick
“I don't need their $200. I need their loyalty.” - Nicholas Nick
“I fired myself from every job that I hate. And I only have what's left, the one that I love.” - Nicholas Nick
“I created this system where we just beat you up with support.” - Nicholas Nick
“One of the biggest pieces of advice I give to most entrepreneurs is if you think you have a dream, but you've never done it, you need to try it.” - Nicholas Nick
“I keep making good decisions, which then gives me confidence.” - Chaz Wolfe (Host)
“It's your job to make sure you're not a bottleneck.” - Nicholas Nick
“If you have customers pounding down your door, you better serve them because they might not be there in five years.” - Nicholas Nick
“Don't go looking for the advantage when you are the advantage in that spot.” - Chaz Wolfe (Host)
Books and Resources Recommended:
Good to Great by Jim Collinshttps://www.amazon.com/Good-Great-Some-Companies-Others/dp/0066620996
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Coveyhttps://www.amazon.com/Habits-Highly-Effective-People/dp/1471195201/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1669059904&sr=1-1
One Million Followers by Brendan Kanehttps://www.amazon.com/One-Million-Followers-Updated-Following/dp/B0BMND3CCH/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
Hook Point by Brendan Kanehttps://www.amazon.com/Hook-Point-Stand-3-Second-World/dp/B09VFS57QL/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
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