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Mastering the Pause Button
#068 – Mastering the “Pause Button” through breathworkPausing before you react to difficult people and difficult situations in life is something most people are trying to get better at. One way to gain more control of your reactions is to sustain a daily meditation practice, but most people struggle to make meditation a habit. It’s not an easy habit to adopt. An intentional breathing practice has similar results as meditation, but is much easier to adapt and maintain. This episode outlines why we are living in a constant state of stress and why a breathing practice can help you to manage that stress. CLICK HERE to watch the Breathing Class referred to in this podcast.Are you wondering if coaching is right for you? I offer a one-time, 50 minute coaching call at a highly discounted price of $25 so you can try it out and see what coaching is all about. <br/><br/>Bring your relationship problem you're stuck in and work on it with me. We can do a lot of work in 50 minutes. I'll see you on our call. <br/><br/>CLICK HERE to set up your call