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Monkeys of Nepal
Over the past three visits to Nepal I have had a number of interesting interactions with monkeys. The first year I was pretty sure I was going to have to do battle with a gang of Monkeys at Swayambhunath Stupa. Last year I saw a monkey bully a young lady and take her fruit drink. I actually saw him decide he was going to take advantage of her and then he did it. This year I saw the usual monkeys at the usual places of The Monkey Temple, within the city of Kathmandu and Pashupati Hindu Temple, and many more monkeys in Lumbini than I remember from last year. But this year I started to see the monkeys of Nepal in a different way. Thanks for listening! I invite you to share this podcast, offer a comment or leave some feedback. Show Notes: Swayambhunath Stupa, AKA The Monkey Temple. Seeing other Monkeys in the City of Kathmandu. More Monkeys in the City of Lumbini than I thought. This year I started to see the Monkeys of Nepal in a different way. Resources: Swayambhunath Stupa – A bit of info about the famous "Monkey Temple" in Kathmandu, Nepal. Visit Nepal 2020 – The campaign to visit in 2020. Boudhanath Stupa – A truly exceptional experience and a must see in Kathmandu, Nepal. Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal – Some wiki info about this most popular and tourist area in Kathmandu, Nepal. Bodhi Guesthouse - My home away from home in Kathmandu, Nepal. Contact. Follow. Share. instagram | facebook | twitter | pinterest How to review the podcast on iTunes If you enjoyed, benefited or were impacted by the podcast, it would be beyond cool if you’d take a minute and write a review on iTunes. To do that, click on the iTunes link or launch the iTunes podcast app on your computer or phone. Search for One Hand Speaks, select the album art for the show, select ratings and reviews and then write your review. Big thanks and appreciation. Please spread and share if you feel others will benefit and enjoy and leave a comment or offer feedback.