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My Top 4 Dating Fail Stories
Everyone loves stories, especially of other people's bloopers. This new episode on the Dr. Wyatt Show podcast I share my top four dating fail stories. Hope you enjoy! <br/><br/>SIGN UP for my FREE newsletter to receive weekly emails on fresh marriage content and discounts. Sign up here!<br/><br/>To help your marriage reach its full potential and hit the "MARC," consider my resources below.1-Membership- An affordable entry into my top resources plus I join weekly for live Q & A. Learn more here.<br/>2-App- An effective way to open up lines of communication. Get it in the App Store or Google Play Store.<br/>3-Retreats- A concentrated time to build your relationship with my best tools. Learn more here.<br/>4-Coaching- Customized support for you and your partner to heal resentments. Learn more here.FOLLOW me on social for FREE daily marriage tips!<br/>Facebook<br/>Instagram<br/>YouTube<br/>TikTok