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Mysteries and Monsters: Episode 208 Monsters of the Beehive State with David Weatherly
On this episode, we venture to the Beehive State of Utah in the company of David Weatherley.
We take a deep dive in to Skinwalker Ranch, cover some incredible Bigfoot encounters, strange dogmen sightings, a terrifying Native American legend, the mystery of the Bear Lake Monster and some Phantom Kangaroos.
A big thank you for David for joining me again.
The book can be found here:
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Email us at mysteriesandmonsters@gmail.com with any feedback, guest suggestions or if you'd like to appear.
All artwork by Dean Bestall and the show was produced by Brennan Storr of the Ghost Story Guys.
Mysteries and Monsters is a part of the Straight Up Strange Network
#DavidWeatherly #BeehiveState #Utah #SkinwalkerRanch #Bigfoot #Sasquatch #Dogmen #Skinwalker #Navajo #Ute #BearLakeMonster #Kangaroo #SamShearon