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N is for Nutrition
This week on the Building Championship Mindsets podcast, Dr. Selking discusses the importance of nutrition. Ninety percent of information travels from the stomach to the brain, making a direct impact on mental and emotional functioning. Dr. Selking shares her personal experience of using nutrition to combat a potential threat of thyroid cancer and emphasizes the power of nutrition in healing and optimizing the body. She shares how you can be mindful of nutrition in at least one meal daily to fuel optimal physical, mental, and emotional performance.
About Building Championship MindsetsWelcome to “Building Championship Mindsets. | the Podcast!” From the LockerRoom to the BoardRoom, our purpose is to help individuals, teams, and organizations understand and leverage the power of Mindset and Leadership to drive results and achieve sustainable performance excellence.
As a leader in the field of sports and performance psychology, Dr. Amber Selking has been fiercely devoted to optimizing human performance in people and systems throughout her entire career.
Dr. Selking is the founder of Selking Performance Group, a leading performance consulting practice that helps individuals, companies, and sports teams achieve sustainable results. She has served as the Mental Performance Coach for the Notre Dame Football team and as the Vice President of Leadership & Culture Development for Lippert, a global, publicly-traded manufacturing company whose corporate vision is to change the model of work, demonstrating that business can and should Be a Force for Good in our World. She has also served as an adjunct professor in the Mendoza College of Business at Notre Dame.Dr. Selking holds a Ph.D. in Educational and Counseling Psychology from the University of Missouri, a master’s degree in Sport and Performance Psychology from the University of Denver, and an undergraduate degree in Management Consulting from the University of Notre Dame. At ND, Amber played soccer for the Fighting Irish before an injury ended her career, after which she founded Notre Dame Christian Athletes (NDCA) in the ND Athletic Department. She currently resides in South Bend, Indiana, with her husband, Aaron, and their Doberman Pinscher, Rockne.
Championship Mindset Training | Midweek Mental RepGet a blood panel done and check your vitamin and mineral levels. Make sure that your vitamin levels are balanced and regulated. If you don't have an opportunity to get a blood panel done, be mindful of what you're putting into your body and ask yourself: Will this fuel the nutrition to help position me physically, mentally and emotionally to be my best self?
STANDOUT QUOTES“Imagine what could happen to our world if our kids understood the power that their mind has to position them to be who they've been created to be and the courage and confidence that it would give them to do the hard things necessary that require our world to function into the future." -Dr. Amber Selking [00:50]<br/>
“Everything that we put into our stomach has direct implications on mental functioning and often emotional functioning and therefore all the other physiological functioning throughout the course of our bodies. It is important for us to understand that if we really want to win the mental game and show up as the best version of ourselves, our nutrition can have a direct impact on our ability to heal and to get better.” -Dr. Amber Selking [02:09]<br/>
TIMESTAMPS01:31 N is for Nutrition04:19 The power of nutrition to prevent and cure disease07:47 C