570: Simple Nutrition Tricks & Strategies That Guarantee Results
➢Dm us “Fat Loss” on IG @ColossusFit , 3 more spots opened up.Summary of episode:The goal of this episode is give you higher level nutrition strategies that will actually make a difference on your journey.It’s so easy to focus on meal timing, type of diet etc that won’t actually make much change on your journey, but this should absolutely help.1- Focus on calories in vs. calories outThis one isn’t quite as easy as it sounds, or the other tips but definitely the most important. So many variables come in between watches lying to us, food labels, etc.Aim to use measuring cups, food scales, and track everything for maximum accuracy.Big takeaway- Keep track of the data and you’ll notice trends.2- Don’t sweat the small stuff.Most companies will attempt to get you to part with your hard earned money by using enough scientific terms and big words to make you focus on small stuff so they can sell you fad diets, or supplements.95% of people spend most of their time focusing on the last 5% rather than focusing on what really matters: consistency, adherence, hard work, sustainability, and tenacity. Don’t let your self get suckered.3- Focus on food densitySimply put this means that there are low calories in large amount of food. Low energy density means there are few calories in a large amount of food.Easy way to help feel fuller on fewer calories.Some examples- Water, Fish, Lean meat and poultry, brown rice, sweet potato, basically all veggies, low fat popcorn, etcHere's a quick example with raisins and grapes. Raisins have a high energy density — 1 cup of raisins has about 480 calories. Grapes have a low energy density — 1 cup of grapes has about 104 calories.4- Aim to snack less or minimize snackingThe more used to doing this, you’ll always be looking for food around the house and just eat a bunch of randomness, especially when hungry.I prefer 3 solid meals with 1 solid snack.4.5 Eat at roughly the same time as usual if possible.5- Pre log and planOne of the most underrated strategies to help you succeed and stay on track.If you’re reactive vs. proactive, you’ll be highly misguided.6- Learn to be okay eating the same foodsIt’s been said that we make 200 decisions related to food a day, by eating more of the same foods, we can help minimize that.An easy way to help this remembering all the benefits of the food that you’re having and all the great stuff it will do for your body.Within each meal, ask yourself - what value is this added for me, or what purpose?This teaches you to learn A LOT vs. blindly following a meal plan and allows you to build up the habits.Thanks for listening! We genuinely appreciate every single one of you listening.<br/>➢Follow us on instagram @colossusfit<br/>➢Apply to get your Polished Physique: https://colossusfitness.com/Support the show