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Names, Planes and Automobiles (ep.36)
In this episode, Deb and Jan talk about news anchors, the Jersey Shore, micro trends, bonus holes, disneyland and more.Be sure to like, comment and subscribe! Love you all!!We Don't ExistInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/wedontexistpod/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@wedontexistpodcastEdited by Joseph TorresInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/jose....phchuytorres/YouTube - You're watching Deb N' Jan News7:13 - Hi My Name Is...18:00 - Jersey Shored20:42 - Are You Gonna Take That?23:27 - No Bug Zone & Aminals36:58 - Bonus Holes42:42 - Tubing45:09 - Boots50:09 - Dancing59:29 - Disney Adult1:06:02 - MediaXD
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