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Navigating Suffering (And Shrinkage) With Akshay Nanavati and Kevin Demmons
What an absolute blast talking with two of the most amazing human beings I have met during the Building Men Podcast Journey. I talk with Akshay Nanavati and Kevin Demmons about intentional discomfort, fear, overcoming adversity, how the brain works...and shrikage. Akshay Nanavati (Building Men Podcast Episode 116) has overcome drug addiction, PTSD from fighting the war in Iraq with the Marines (where one of his jobs was to walk in front of vehicles to find bombs), depression and alcoholism that pushed him to the brink of suicide. Since then he has built a global business, run ultramarathons like a 24 hour run and a 50 miler around a cul-de-sac, become 1 of only 26 people to ski up the Axel Heiberg Glacier in Antarctica where he got frostbite on 3 fingers, conducted humanitarian work in post-conflict zones, spent 7 days in darkness, silence and isolation, and explored the most hostile environments on the planet, from mountains to caves to polar icecaps.Combining his life experience with years of research in science and spirituality, he wrote the book “Fearvana: The Revolutionary Science of How to Turn Fear Into Health, Wealth and Happiness." About the book, the Dalai Lama said “Fearvana inspires us to look beyond our own agonizing experiences and find the positive side of our lives.” All the profits from the book are going toward charity.The creator of the movement "Scarred and Unbeaten", Kevin Demmons (Building Men Podcast Episode 131) shares stories of his past, dealing with horrific abusive situations during his childhood, his experience in the military and how finding strength in his pain has transformed his life. We start the process of creating an organization called: The Shrinkage Awareness Foundation. Kevin started Scarred and Unbeaten because there is not enough discussion about post traumatic GROWTH! According to Kevin, scars both physical and mental, are constant reminders of just how strong and resilient we truly are. Fearvana.comFearvana InstagramScarred and Unbeaten Building Men InstagramBuilding Men WebsiteBuilding Men YouTubeBuilding Men FacebookWork with Dennis as your 1 on 1 coach The Foundation Virtual Coaching Group for Young MenIf our podcast resonates with you, please consider rating, reviewing and sharing it with anyone who you believe would benefit from the message.Visit our sponsors - Chop Club For MenFinish The Race – Home of the official Building Men gear