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No Puppies or Kittens For Christmas, Birthday ETC...
If you love pets and have the time for loving, caring, money for vet visits, food,<br/>bedding space in the house and patience for one then you have to get one. BUT...<br/>if you child doesn't have the time for loving, caring money for vet visits, food, bedding space then you may need to rethink this. <br/><br/>I love dogs and they are so loving and you can't go wrong having a pet, but for a child to have one is another thing. If you know that your child will actually be able to put down the electronic device and not whine of how much work it is to take care of Fido or Mittens then you really need to. rethink this gift. <br/><br/>Here are my thoughts on having a pet. <br/>-Henrie <br/><br/>#pets<br/>#petsforchristmas<br/><br/>Thanks again for listening, <br/>Henrie <br/><br/>Go find your Blessings! <br/><br/>Tickettolife022@gmail.com<br/>Follow on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram<br/>Ticket To Life