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Noshing With David Prentice – August 31, 2023
Author, Unwilling to Quit, The Long Unwinding of American involvement in Vietnam This week, Ira spoke with David Prentice, author of Unwilling to Quit, The Long Unwinding of American involvement in Vietnam (published by University Press of Kentucky). In this escalating episode of “Ira’s Everything Bagel,” David talks about why he decided to write the book (and how he became interested in the history of the Vietnam War; the most surprising thing he found out in his research; the conflict between leaders’ private doubts and their public pronouncements; why there was hope for the “Vietnamization” policy; the most pivotal figure in changing American policy towards Vietnam; and his approach to writing history. David Prentice is an award-winning lecturer whose work has appeared in Diplomatic History, the Journal of Military History, Cold War History, and several edited volumes. He lives on a farm in Oklahoma with his wife and kids.