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Now That You Know Account-Based Marketing, Here Are the Do’s and Don’ts
Join Dots Oyebolu as he speaks with Pam Didner, Sales Enablement and Content Marketing Keynote Speaker and Workshop Coach at Relentless Pursuit.
Account-based marketing (ABM) is the best way forward for every B2B revenue-producing team that wants to grow long-term.
But what makes ABM different from traditional marketing efforts?
Today, Pam discusses ABM best practices that make scaling a business inevitable.
Highlights include:
- How a background in finance has helped Pam in her marketing career.- Why marketers need to be collaborating with sales teams, instead of working in silos.- Defining ABM and how it can be successful at scale.- The pros and cons when it comes to developing a scalable strategy.- The types of things you should avoid when you're investing in an ABM strategy.- General rules for how to think about segmenting customers and accounts.- Recommended CRM tools that make ABM a better process.- Top 3 KPIs for ABM and why.
Resources mentioned:
- Pam Didner | LinkedInhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/pamdidner/- Pam Didner | Websitehttps://pamdidner.com/services..../account-based-marke Relentless Pursuithttps://www.linkedin.com/company/pamdidner/- Momentum ITSMAhttps://momentumitsma.com/dos-....and-donts-for-buildi Uplandhttps://uplandsoftware.com/kapost/resources/blog/account-based-marketing-plan/
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