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Nutrient Neutrality
If you’re in the UK you’ll have heard about recent proposed changes to nutrient neutrality. Adding to the wider debate about the health of our rivers across England in particular, we explore the proposed changes & what they could mean for river health.Niki is joined by Philip Dunne, MP for Ludlow and the Chair of the Environmental Audit Committee who in 2021 put forward the private members bill that kickstarted much of the debate around river health. Dr Gabriel Connor-Streich joins Niki to co-host and offer his perspective based on his experience of developing nutrient neutrality guidance with Natural England and more recently advocating for an alternative approach. An audio transcript of this episode will be available shortly after release & you can listen to the Accordion version of the episode here - https://www.accordion.live/planetpossible/This season of Planet Possible is sponsored by Accordion.