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Nvidia’s Chip Boom, GOP Fireworks, & The Escape of Carlos Ghosn, a Docu-Series 8/24/23
Chipmaker Nvidia boasted a 171% uptick in data center revenue in the second quarter; CNBC’s Kristina Partsinevelos explains the earnings beat and the road ahead for chips. Venture capitalist and tech investor Bradley Tusk considers how demand for AI proves to be a tailwind for Nvidia and its competitors. Former Nissan executive Carlos Ghosn’s escape from Japan captured global headlines in 2019, and now the story is ready to capture streaming eyeballs. Director of “Wanted: The Escape Of Carlos Ghosn” James Jones shares details from his new docuseries ready to stream on AppleTV+. Former Green Beret Michael Taylor, a character in the series, explains how he orchestrated Ghosn’s now infamous “music box escape,” and how, after succeeding, he ended up in a Japanese prison. Plus, CNBC’s Eamon Javers breaks down the highlights of the GOP’s first presidential debate for the 2024 election. Kristina Partsinevelos - 14:49Bradley Tusk - 20:33Michael Taylor & James Jones - 29:05<br /><br />In this episode:<br />James Jones, @jamesjonesfilm<br />Kristina Partsinevelos, @KristinaPartsEamon Javers, @EamonJaversAndrew Ross Sorkin, @andrewrsorkin<br />Joe Kernen, @JoeSquawk<br />Kelly Evans, @KellyCNBCKlaire Odumody, @klairemarie