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Occupational Therapist - Alice Tran
This episode features 24-year-old Occupational Therapist – Alice Tran, who specialises in equipment prescription and home modifications. Alice never imagined pursuing this career growing up, but found herself extremely passionate helping people find their independence. Top questions asked by students for Occupational Therapist:00:00 – Intro 01:38 – Was OT always the goal? 04:09 – How did you decide on what specialisation in OT you wanted to focus on? 06:21 – Did you struggle to land the job after completing your degree?09:58 – What is a brief day in your life?11:56 – What is the most challenging aspect of the role that no one tells you about at school?13:34 – What did you find surprising when you first started working?16:45 – How hands on is your job? 18:44 – Has there been a situation where a patient has stressed you? 19:52 – Does your job have good pay? 21:58 – Do you have a good work-life balance?23:00 – Is there a difference between working regional and metro? 27:17 – If you had a change to go back to school, would you do anything differently?