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Orange Lounge Radio 975 - 9/24/2023
Just when you thought the news couldn't break any harder than it did last week, an avalanche of unredacted Microsoft documents was unleashed onto the gaming public by an oops of epic proportions. We get to see e-mails, concepts for yet to be released consoles, and so much more. We talk about some of the unredacted secrets, but also take a moment to call out some of those in the industry using this to create more clicks for their websites unnecessairly. It's all just another week in the gaming world, and we break it down on another episode of the longest running video game podcast, Orange Lounge Radio! Also in the News: * Unity Retreats Quickly From Last Weeks Guideline Updates * Xbox Tokyo Game Show Announcements * ActiBlizzard + Microsoft Clear Last Potential Hurdle * Nintendo Accounts Supporting Passkey All this and more on the show where EVERY gamer has a voice-- Orange Lounge Radio! LIVE on the VOG Network, Sunday nights at 6 Pacific, 9 Eastern www.vognetwork.com Twitter: @olr Mailbag: participate (at) orangeloungeradio dot com