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Overcoming Performance Anxiety And Building Confidence In Every Situation w/Erik Everhard
Thank you for tuning into today’s episode of the Gentleman’s Atlas Podcast. Today we are diving deeper into the topics of performance anxiety, confidence, and the nature of the movies with guest speaker Erik Everhard. Today our discussion is about something many men struggle with, and that's confidence, especially in the bedroom. We take away the filter and get to discussing where confidence comes from, how we can tap into it, and how we can ultimately be our best selves.The Gentleman’s Atlas is a platform committed to providing you with everything you need to become the hero of your story and grow into a better version of yourself.Erik Everhard is an author, coach, and professional pornstar. He teaches entrepreneurs and executives elite-level sexual skills so that they can master the bedroom like they dominate the boardroom.https://crushingperformanceanxiety.com/— Chapters —[00:00] Introduction[06:00] Relationships with others as a professional pornstar[09:00] The movement to digital and its effects on society[16:00] Why is porn so addictive to men[22:00] The importance of believing in your ability to perform[33:00] There's a connection between feeling and thinking that allows for elite focus[40:15] Relying on ourselves is a testament to our own abilities, especially the ability to adapt[52:45] Closing MessageWebsite - https://www.thegentlemansatlas.comThe Atlas - https://www.thegentlemansatlas.com/theatlasSupport The Show - https://www.thegentlemansatlas.com/donateCourses - https://www.thegentlemansatlas.com/coursesContent - https://www.thegentlemansatlas.com/blogs/Coaching - https://www.thegentlemansatlas.com/coachingAbout Us - https://www.thegentlemansatlas.com/about-us