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Pale Blue Dot GP Hampus Jakobsson on Curiosity, starting a company in University and climate change.
The climate crisis is one of the most urgent challenges we face today. And while there are many different things one can do as an individual, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer scale of it. Hampus, like many of us, felt that way when he was working as a venture capitalist after selling his company to BlackBerry. But instead of letting it paralyze him, he turned his concern into action. He decided to focus his life on combating climate change by starting his own climate tech fund.During this interview, you'll very quickly notice two things about Hampus. Firstly, he is highly energetic, which leads to him interviewing himself as I tend to be more introverted. Secondly, Hampus is deeply curious about anything he comes across, which motivates and drives him and starts during mandatory Swedish military service.Hampus Twitter: https://twitter.com/hajakPale Blue Dot: https://paleblue.vc/The Drop: https://www.thedropconf.com/TechBBQ: https://techbbq.dk/If you enjoyed this episode, why not recommend it to a friend?Homepage: https://www.deeptechstories.ioPodcast Twitter: https://twitter.com/deeptechpodMy Twitter: https://twitter.com/sturmerphLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/deeptechstories Music by Nathaniel Drew x Tom Fox:https://www.nathanieldrew.com/....https://tfbeats.com/ by Amadeus Schwed:https://elementsofpuremotion.com/<br/><br/>This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: <br/><br/>Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy