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Partnership and Collaboration are Key
Host Sean Frost shares some of the experiences he’s seen at Polo Custom Products how the team comes together to deliver on its promises to customers. In doing so, we review some of the conversations we’ve been having with manufacturing experts who operate behind the scenes. On this episode we discuss:
Seeing the team come together
The criticality of products that are made
How the role of supply chain has been elevated
Mitigating risk with suppliers
Working collaboratively with others
The value of people in the manufacturing industry
Measuring performance and complying with regulatory requirements
Making products that cannot afford to fail
Always take a plant tour
Creating success for the customer
The challenges with scaling
Getting bad news early is good news
Understanding what success means for your customer
Resources:A Triple Play for Industrial OEMs - Polo Custom Products
Learn more about Polo Custom Products
Polo Custom Product designs, engineers, and manufactures custom products for OEMs in the medical, fire & safety, and defense industries. Polo Custom Products has experts on staff to globally source and procure your specialty formulation materials. Our experts in quality assurance test and ensure all custom products meet standards and your requirements. This show is part of the ICT Podcast Network. For more information visit ictpod.net