Power Play - Mastering the Mental Game of Being the Boss, Why is it so Hard?

0 Views· 08/26/23
The People Powered Business Podcast

Ok, I’m going to be honest here, I didn’t love being the boss in my own business for a long time.I had held leadership positions in other businesses and loved it, but when it came to my business, especially as my team grew, I really started to not love it. Some days I would want to (and probably did), just shut my office door!!!What I know now is that I’d hit a growing pains point, I was juggling too much, and was burnt out. But I see lots of business owners who don’t hit this point yet really don’t love being ‘a boss’. They are uncomfortable with it, it’s not their natural thing. The thought of conflict terrifies them, so they avoid it.They adopt the ‘laissez-fare’ leadership style which means ‘let it be’ it’s a hands off approach to leadership. Problem is – if you’re not leading in your business who is? I call this the ‘non boss mindset’It’s characterized by avoiding any kind of traditional leadership or management activities and actions, with the hope that things will just happen.It’s often from a place of fear and uncertainty.  But the issue is the team lack clarity, certainty and direction, they don’t know what to do.The team want strong leadership, it’s what builds trust and respect. Worst case – you end up with someone negative or toxic running things – it can go from your ship being adrift without a captain to pirates have taken over very quickly.

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