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Rachel Kent, government adviser and Hogan Lovells partner, calls on City executives to do more to help lawmakers in their efforts to future-proof UK finance
Today’s guest calls on City executives to play a more proactive role in guiding regulators and policymakers in their efforts to both future-proof and foster competition within the UK’s financial services sector. She discusses how she believes the UK’s financial sector and its regulators can best navigate the vast programme of regulatory change derived from such efforts to bolster the City post-Brexit. And she outlines the mindset shift required to establish yourself as a go-to adviser to governments and lawmakers. And she should know, because Rachel Kent is a senior financial services lawyer who became one of the City’s most called-upon authorities on financial services reform in the wake of Brexit. She has since been invited to advise on or lead several of the government’s post-Brexit reviews of rules governing the UK financial services sector. She now acts as lead adviser to the government’s Treasury department on financial services matters. As a senior partner in the global financial institutions group at law firm Hogan Lovells, she advises the largest banks, asset managers, insurers, and financial market infrastructure firms on financial regulation.